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Autism & AutPlay

What is AutPlay?



As listed on the official AutPlay website:

AutPlay integrates psychological/counseling theory, models of play therapy, and relationship development approaches together in a collaborative protocol to assist children and adolescents toward gains in addressing mental health struggles. Parents and children are considered co-change agents in the therapy process and work as partners with the therapist. AutPlay Therapy provides a collaborative assessment process designed to value the individual child and highlight their strengths as well as guide areas of intervention, goals, and approaches for addressing the needs of the child and family. The therapeutic powers of play (core change agents) are utilized to address a variety of possible needs including emotional regulation struggles, social navigation needs, engagement/connection growth, anxiety and fear reduction, sensory challenges, executive functioning struggles, depression and self-esteem issues, trauma issues, stigmatization, and parent/child relationship struggles. You can find more information at,


Here at Family Counseling Associates of North Georgia, we want to provide our clients with the best all-around care and that is why we are happy to give this service to those it will best fit! We are excited to help your child with autism, who is neurodivergent, and/or has sensory issues and to work alongside parents as they navigate these issues and create an environment that benefits their child(ren).


How do I get started?

Creating an appointment for a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment is just a few clicks away - click here - to begin the process. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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